CPD: Creating Successful Outreach Projects for Males on Free School Meals
Are you a teacher, adviser or practitioner working with or designing programmes for male learners on free school meals (MFSM)?
Would you like to improve your engagement and understanding of these learners?
Go Higher West Yorkshire in partnership with leading consultant and trainer, Andy Griffith would like to invite you to an online CPD session to help you understand and engage male learners on free school meals more effectively.
As part of this CPD session, you will hear from key speaker Andy Griffith, who has a wealth of educational and training experience, offering practical solutions to build cultural and social capital, and engage more MFSM and their parents.
The online session will include:
- Where and Why are the working class are under-represented and undervalued.
- Key factors to affect our learning design for males on free school meals (MFSM)
- Balancing information-giving to ‘sparking’ the interest and motivation of MFSM
- Taking an assets-based approach to our work.
- Making modular and one-off sessions more engaging.
Target Audience – Careers, education or community professionals working with and/or designing programmes for young people