Beyond Care: Connecting Higher Education and Corporate Parents

Research tells us that improved connectivity and communication between local authorities and higher education can improve care leavers’ access to HE and their experiences of transition.
On the morning of Wednesday, 11 December 2019 at the University of Leeds, Go Higher West Yorkshire is bringing together representatives from both sectors. This innovative event aims to support the access, success and progression of care leavers into and through higher education with a focus on collaboration, networking and good practice sharing.
The session combines three diverse presentations with carousel-based discussion and networking. Presentations are as follows:
Dr Gary Walker, Teaching Fellow (Child and Family Studies) at University of Leeds
Gary will report on findings of a small-scale study he conducted with Sharon Pinkney (Leeds Trinity University) investigating the experiences of care experienced young people in relation to higher education in England.
Donna Heppenstall, Specialist Leaving Care Worker at Wakefield Council
Donna will share her knowledge and experiences of supporting young care leavers to access higher education.
Ben Haddock, Money Advice and Hardship Manager at University of Bradford
Ben will share some of the work the University has been doing during the early stages of their involvement in the NNECL Quality Framework Pilot.
Carousel discussions will require delegates to discuss the barriers faced by care leavers and the support available for them into and through HE. It is therefore essential that at least one attending representative from each partner is well equipped to talk confidently about these issues.
Delegates will also receive a pack of information about each HEP and LA compiled by GHWY. This will contain an outline of each institution/organisation’s:
- Organisational structure
- Local Offer for care leavers (LAs)
- Care Leaver Covenant offer (HEPs).
GHWY would be delighted if this good practice sharing event was the first attended by all 13 partners. There are still several places available and not all partners are currently represented. If you are not sure who is already signed up from your institution, please get in touch with Susan Darlington who can provide this information. Representatives from all five West Yorkshire local authorities are due to be in attendance.
Don’t miss out – make sure your institution is represented and a part of this vital collaborative conversation. Book your place.