Cambridge here we come! – Joanne Welding, Immanuel College

Building links and Going Higher!
Institution: Immanuel College
Year group: 12
Event : 2 Day Residential at Queens College – 18th and 19th September 2017
We were excited to be offered an opportunity for 10 of our year 12 students, including 5 NCOP students, to take part in a residential visit as part of a relationship developed with Queens College. The visit raised awareness of the opportunities available when applying to Oxbridge and also the hard work required to succeed, encouraging students to get involved and passionate about their subjects.
Staying in halls of residence was a novel and exciting experience for all our students, with beautiful surroundings and interesting activities taking place. Sessions included talks about applying to Oxbridge and included activities delivered by engineering teams, where we learnt about the need for accurate clocks in navigation and the challenges of building the first clocks to successfully operate at sea! We put our knowledge to the test, with students building LEGO clocks designed to operate in sea conditions.
Our students really enjoyed the visit and experience to see what higher education offers. We asked our students to say a few words about the day:
The best things about the visit…
“Staying in a student room so we could experience university life“
“Getting involved in the engineering work”.
“Learning about the history of the university”
“Being shown around the college and finding out about the buildings in Cambridge from people who have experience and knowledge.”
What I learnt…
“More details about the application and college life as well as the history of the college. I also learnt about some interesting aspects of engineering, including the science of how clocks work.”
“The difference between ‘extra’ and ‘super’ curricular and the entry requirements to study maths.”
The next step for me is…
“Finding suitable work experience which will be relevant, and provide me with the skills I need to study my chosen university course.”
“I will visit the websites they suggested and look further into the neuroscience and language courses they offer.”