Care Leavers: What support we offer, University of Bradford

Care experienced students may encounter some unique challenges in the transition from a sixth form or college to higher education. The University of Bradford offers a personalised package of support available to help you have a full, enriching and enjoyable experience.

It is able to provide one-to-one support throughout the application process, as well as arrange individual visits to campus to see the facilities and meet academics and current students, including those who have previously been in care.

The University has a number of champions within its faculties and professional services teams who are passionate about supporting care experienced students. They can offer support and guidance in the following key areas:

  • Accommodation – the University can support you in securing year-round accommodation if needed.
  • Career and Employability Services – the University has a dedicated advisor who can work with and signpost care experienced students to a range of services and support offered by Career and Employability Services.
  • Counselling provision – the service is open all year round and is available via face-to-face appointment, email and telephone.
  • Financial support – a Care Experienced Students’ Grant of £1,000 a year is available to all students who have previously been in local authority care and have a household income of less than £30,000 per year. Care experienced students also have priority access to the Student Support Fund, which is open to them all year round.
  • Peer mentoring – new students with experience of the care system will have the opportunity to receive one-to-one support from a Peer Mentor who will be a student currently studying at the University or a recent graduate.
  • Your first few weeks at university – care experienced students are invited to join the Step Up to HE programme at the start of the academic year.

Further information about support for care leavers can be found on the University’s website. If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Chelsea Redshaw, Outreach and Recruitment Officer, at: