Exploring apprenticeships with the Maria Mallaband Group

Students from Castleford Academy this term enjoyed an informative visit from the Maria Mallaband Group. Alyson Thompson, Apprenticeship Training Manager from the Group, came into school to talk about what they have to offer students who would be looking into apprenticeships working within their company. This included things like pay, workload, opportunities and progression.
Alongside Alyson was Anna Masheter, a specialist nurse consultant for the group who is involved in the training of nurses for the company. Anna brought in a prosthetic arm filled with artificial blood to give the students opportunity to learn how to then take blood as they would have to on a daily basis. Anna also brought numerous other pieces of equipment in for the students to trial that would have to become second nature for them to use if they were to work in a nursing/care environment.
The session was set up after the school’s Higher Education Progression Officer, Will Cooke, met Alyson at the National Apprenticeship Show at Harrogate. “We spoke about the forms of outreach the company had and it sounded like a fantastic opportunity for our health and social care students,” said Will. “It sounded great for students to be able to take part in a really hands on workshop around a subject they are genuinely interested in. It’s a great help that there is a Maria Mallaband group care home based in Castleford which interested a few students for possible work experience or volunteering opportunities and potentially creating a link for students to follow that route into an apprenticeship.”
After the session, Will spoke to the school’s Head of Health and Social Care Barbara Radecki, who said, “It was great to provide such a hands-on experience for the students. Looking at the group, you could really imagine some of them taking up the apprenticeship and make a great career from being a carer which is fantastic to see. And it would be great to run again with Y11 students to show what our sixth form has to offer.”