Future Pathways at Titus Salt School

The future started to come into focus on Tuesday 1st May as Year 10 pupils, parents and carers at Titus Salt School had the opportunity to find out about post-16 options.


Year 10 pupils and their parents and carers were able to ask questions of a panel of representatives from local universities and charitable organisations. Some fantastic conversations took place, with pupils excited about their options after Year 11 and parents keen to find out more about apprenticeships, student finance and UCAS.


The school’s Higher Education Progression Officer, Ms Kennedy, said, “It was wonderful to see so many people engaging with the panel and having productive conversations about the future. This initial mini careers fair highlighted those areas that most interested the young people and their families, and this will allow us to target them with relevant information at future events.”


Ms Kennedy’s role is to ensure pupils and parents are fully informed of their post-16 and post-18 options. She works in partnership with Go Higher West Yorkshire and is funded by the National Collaborative Outreach Programme, an Office for Students initiative aimed at encouraging more pupils to consider higher education where appropriate.


This small event was a taste of things to come, with a larger ‘Future Pathways’ evening planned for Year 10 pupils and their families later in the year.