Kirklees College welcomes new GHWY outreach officer

Kirklees College has recently appointed a new GHWY outreach officer, Henna. She will be based at the College organising projects with local schools and the community to promote all things Higher Education and Higher Skills.
Zulakha Desai, Head of Higher Education and Higher Skills, said: ‘’We are so excited to have on board our new outreach officer, Henna. She brings with her a wealth of knowledge and expertise. We are confident that her input and the enthusiasm she brings with her will strengthen our partnerships across Kirklees.”
Henna shares some recent developments at the College below.
New learning facility due to open
The College is thrilled to announce that Pioneer House, a brand new state of the art learning facility that will be dedicated to Higher Education and Higher Skills, will be opening soon. Our Higher Skills Guide for 2021-22 showcases the range of subject specialisms and the benefits of studying in an environment that is more hands-on, vocational and industry focused.
The College offers an alternative to the university route through the HNC and HND courses. These include subjects such as Business, Computing, Engineering, Construction, and Animal Management. On completion, with the skills they have gained, students are equipped and prepared to either top up onto an undergraduate course at university or go straight into employment.
Moving to online working
Just like many other HE institutions we have been transitioning to online working, and we have been incredibly successful in providing our students with academic and wellbeing support.
Our lecturers have been incredibly responsive, using innovative techniques to continue teaching and keep their learners engaged. Students on the Business HNC, for instance, have moved to online teaching via Microsoft Teams where presentations have been led by students. Creative Studies students have also been making the most of the natural beauty on their doorsteps and everyday household items to create some fantastic work.
Keeping morale high and spreading positivity has been a key message throughout with a big focus on wellbeing. We have been running a ‘show us your tech’ competition to creatively show all the technology that students and staff have been using for online learning, online yoga classes, and the KC gym sessions on Instagram live.
Wellbeing Wednesdays have been a great opportunity over lunch to get involved in quizzes, games, and a virtual catch up. For students, the counselling service is still available via email, telephone call or through video call. Students have also been getting involved in the Virtual Enrichment Programme which includes exercise, arts and crafts, book club, healthy eating on a budget, and meditation.
Although these are uncertain times, Kirklees College is staying positive and is looking forward to engaging with upcoming projects, taster days and events. I will organise these with GHWY albeit digitally or with social distancing measured in mind. Watch this space!
Henna Ellahi, GHWY Outreach Officer, Kirklees College