Mount St Mary’s Autumn Roundup

It’s been an exciting Autumn term at Mount St Mary’s! Read on for a round up of all the great NCOP activity that’s been taking place…
Year 10 students had the opportunity to visit the ITV Studios in Leeds for ITV News Day. Here students learnt about all the different careers options available within the media industry. Students were able to use industry equipment, have a go at presenting and even did the weather with well-known weatherman Jon Mitchell. Students were informed of the routes into ITV, finding out more about apprenticeships, college courses and university degrees and were able to ask the professionals questions about their careers.

Into University also came into school to work with some of our Year 10 and 11 students to talk about choices and a look into what University life is like!

Year 11 History students took part in an informative tour around Leeds to look at Leeds history. The day provided the opportunity for students to meet current students studying at the University of Leeds and also professionals who are working in the cultural sector across Leeds. The day included a specially tailored Leeds Black History Walk that revealed otherwise unseen narratives in our
local landscape. There was also a guided tour of Leeds City Museum’s new exhibition: ‘A City and it’s Welcome’: three centuries of migrating to Leeds.

Year 10 students visited Northern Ballet for an exciting opportunity aiming to equip students with the knowledge needed to pursue a career within the creative arts industry. Students were given the opportunity to meet professionals working within dance and were given tips on how to pursue a career in the sector.

Upcoming events (Spring Term)
– Media Makeup course – Year 9 and 10
– Robotics Club—Year 8
– Leeds College of Music taster day—Year 9
– Leeds Sports Academy leadership camp—Year 10
Shauni Hetherington, Mount St Mary’s Catholic High School