NCOP Motivating Teachers to Succeed!

Over 80 careers and education professionals from schools, colleges, academies and higher education providers from across West Yorkshire attended the NCOP ‘Motivate to Succeed’ event on 17th October 2017 at Cathedral Academy in Wakefield.

The event was aimed at showcasing the NCOP CPD and resources programme and featured a presentation from the inspirational key note speaker Sir John Jones.

Describing educators as ‘magic weavers’, Sir John Jones explained how powerful an impact teachers can have on young people, and how projects such as NCOP can make a profound difference to their lives.

Attendee feedback from the event was overwhelmingly positive. Attendees commented that the event had helped them realise the valuable work they are doing in their institutions, and how supporting young people’s progression into a higher education can significantly affect young people’s lives.

Rob Marsh, Head teacher from Cathedral Academy, commented:

“This event has been an excellent opportunity for our teaching staff to appreciate the influence they can have on the young people they are teaching. The event reminded them that through education and raising aspirations, they can transform students’ lives and improve their progression opportunities. NCOP, as a project, and the CPD and resources programme will greatly support our staff to improve access to higher education for our students“

Attendees were also informed about future CPD opportunities offered through NCOP to develop their knowledge, skills and experience further to support widening participation.

As a follow up from the event, the NCOP Research & Evaluation team are working with a select number of attendees to determine how this event has impacted on their roles and professional practice.

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