No-one should be limited from accessing and succeeding in higher education because of their background.

This shared ethos underpins the work of Go Higher West Yorkshire, a group of 12 higher education providers. And working collaboratively means our voice is stronger and our reach wider in West Yorkshire and beyond.
Our collaborative approach has helped us to achieve many shared goals. These include:
- Securing funding for innovative bids, such as the National Collaborative Outreach programme, and the Degree Apprenticeship Development project.
- Sharing good ideas and best practice, via our sub groups and through a series of Good Practice Programme events.
- Giving partners a stronger voice with the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Chambers of Commerce.
- The successful launch of the collaborative Care Leaver Covenant, helping to access a previously hard to reach group of young people.
- Regional representation on varied groups including the Skills Network.
- Collaborating on the delivery of OfS requirements, such as collaborative Access Agreements and Access and Participation Plan targets.
We’ll keep you up to date on our work via our website and newsletter.