Street Style Surgery at Titus Salt School

Building confidence and empowerment were the order of the day at Titus Salt School this May. Girls from Years 9 and 10 had the opportunity to attend two workshops with Street Style Surgery. The workshops were drama-based and involved the girls acting out various scenarios in order to explore their own feelings of self-confidence.
The girls particularly enjoyed imagining what their own personal super power would be – suggestions included “being invisible”, “being able to travel anywhere in the blink of an eye” and “being able to bring to life anything that I draw”.
They also had fun acting out what makes them feel confident every day, from putting on make-up to listening to a confidence-boosting song.
The workshop encouraged the girls to examine what gives them confidence and allowed them to focus on their own areas of self-worth in order to feel greater empowerment. It also gave them techniques to build confidence in nerve-wracking situations. Everyone left with a spring in their step!
Many thanks to Street Style Surgery for their excellent workshops.