Student spotlight: St Wilfrid’s Careers Fair 2018
On the 5th March 2018, St Wilfrid’s hosted a careers fair for Years 8, 9, 10, 11 and Sixth Form students. A variety of universities, colleges, services and other Higher Education providers with post-college opportunities were promoting what they can offer to students, including the National Citizen Service (NCS), University of Huddersfield, Wakefield College, Army Cadets and many more.
During this event I managed to interview a student from St Wilfrid’s who attended the careers fair. They said, “The careers fair was very useful as I gained a lot of information and that I needed to sort out what I want to do in the future. The promoters were very friendly and they answered any questions we asked and told us anything we wanted to know.”
Blog written by Alison, Year 10 student at St Wilfrid’s Catholic High School & Sixth Form College.