The changing landscape of Clearing support and information 

I have collated support and information on Clearing across Go Higher West Yorkshire’s (GHWY) 13 members for the last three years (2022-24). 

The information has allowed our members to signpost students to the course that is right for them during Clearing, which is when Higher Education (HE) providers fill any places they still have left.

The internal document also raises awareness of the diversity of HE on offer across the region. This can be helpful for training colleagues for Clearing and also to signpost students if they need something that a particular HE provider does not offer, such as Foundation courses. 

With input from our Access and Participation Strategy Group, the document brings together information about our members. This includes their UCAS code, link to Clearing webpage, Access to HE / Foundation Years / Higher National Certificates / Higher National Diplomas, and Clearing events. The idea is to allow comparison, signposting, and sharing of information (e.g. eligibility criteria for Clearing). 

As we come to the end of another Clearing period, I reflect on the changing landscape of Clearing support and information. 

Clearing is no longer a rush for places 

Gone are the days when Clearing was seen as a rush for places, with first come first served. When it comes to displaying the opening times of their Clearing hotline, this was done by two of our members in 2022, one in 2023 and zero in 2024. Clearing is now an informed decision as students wait to make the right choice for them, rather than be first in line on Results Day.  

An increase in number of Clearing events 

HE providers increasingly want to ensure that students make an informed decision, which has led to a growth in Clearing events. In 2022, only two of our members held their own Clearing event. This rose to four in 2023 and five in 2024. The types of events are Clearing open days, preparing for Results Day webinar, and online Clearing information events. 

Increase in student voice

Whilst in the past there may have been a stigma around Clearing, which was perceived as just being for those who missed their grades, this appears to no longer be the case. Student voice is increasingly at the heart of Clearing webpages, which indicates that individuals are happy to share that they came through Clearing via videos or case studies. 

New for 2024: Clearing Priority Pass 

For the first time in 2024, we have seen the Clearing Priority Pass. This provides early access to information and support on Clearing, such as when webpages go live and about Clearing events. 

It is possible the Priority Pass will replace the ‘register for email updates’ that has seen fluctuations over the years. Two of our members had email registrations in 2022, rising to five in 2023, and falling to three in 2024.  

It is good to see positive trends that reflect the changing landscape of Clearing in HE. This should help HE providers to inform their plans on Clearing support and information in 2025. 


Tahera Mayat, GHWY Collaborative Outreach Officer