Collaborative conference for teachers and advisers returns in July 2025

Go Higher West Yorkshire (GHWY) is pleased to announce that, following the success of last year’s pilot event, we are organising a second collaborative teachers’ and advisers’ conference.
The event will be held on Tuesday, 8 July from 9.30am to 3.30pm at the University of Bradford, which will tie in with it being UK City of Culture 2025. The conference title is Working Together for Access and Success in Higher Education: Teachers’ and Advisers’ Conference.
This year’s conference, which will be co-organised with our 13 Higher Education (HE) partners, will follow a similar format to last year. It will have a diversity of student panels; insightful speakers; networking opportunity; and a day to spend on professional development.
Given our focus on reducing inequalities in HE access and success for under-represented groups, there will be a focus on this expertise at the event. There will also be a marketplace that will showcase a stall from each of our 13 HE partners.
A full programme will be announced soon.
The event is aimed at individuals who help to support students to make informed choices about HE. This includes but is not limited to teachers, advisers, local authority staff, and youth workers.
Background and learnings from pilot conference
Last year’s pilot collaborative conference received positive feedback from delegates and our members. The delegates praised the diversity of HE on offer; the student panels; and excellent speakers. One delegate said: “Thank you for organising such a great event, it was really informative and well organised and it was good to meet representatives and ambassadors from our local universities and FE Colleges.”
We are looking to make the 2025 conference bigger and better by drawing upon what worked well and learnings. We will continue our strong approach to evaluation, having updated a Theory of Change. This reflects how the 2025 conference will indirectly benefit young people by helping teachers and advisers to be better informed of diverse HE opportunities in the region and the work of GHWY, drawing upon evidence of what works.
Register for updates
Please save the date of Tuesday, 8 July and register for updates.
By registering, you will be notified of the keynote speaker, when registration opens, and any other relevant information.