Delivering careers advice in the wake of Covid 19

Go Higher West Yorkshire has worked with C&K Careers to explore the impact of Covid 19 on the delivery of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). The research, which was funded as part of the OfS Uni Connect programme, also considered how things might look in the 2020-21 academic year.

The research, undertaken in July 2020, explores current and planned approaches to delivery of CEIAG activities in schools and colleges and examines challenges and potential solutions.

Potential challenges that were identified include labour market uncertainty; concerns around the priority of CEIAG;  students’ IT access; and safeguarding.

Schools and colleges expected to see increased use of online CEIAG delivery this academic year alongside some small group or one to one activity face to face. They also highlighted the importance of being flexible, adaptable and being prepared for all eventualities in the current climate.

One key finding is that activities that are bitesize and available in a variety of formats are the most valuable and impactful during this period. These give Higher Education Providers the flexibility to incorporate them into planned lessons and activities and to meet student needs.

It was also found that participants wanted a variety of accessible activities and resources to meet different needs. Numerous free and paid resources are already available but schools and colleges often find navigating them all overwhelming.

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Download executive summary.