GHWY launches e-learning to empower HE staff to support disabled students 

Disabled students can face additional challenges when they enter Higher Education (HE). To raise awareness of how student-facing staff can offer support to help overcome these difficulties, including around finance and accessibility, Go Higher West Yorkshire (GHWY) has produced a free e-learning course. 

The training is designed to help participants to support students who come into HE or who are diagnosed with a disability during their time in HE. It also considers the challenges that individuals may face and offers practical tips that can be applied by staff, irrespective of whether they are a tutor or work at a help desk.  

Many of the points raised in the course are illustrated through the use of student voice. Quizzes and scenarios for participants to consider are also included, which encourage active learning. 

The course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. It covers the following topics:  

  • Understanding definitions of physical disability, mental disability, and neurodivergence as per the Equality Act 2010 
  • Transition from Further Education to HE as a disabled student 
  • The impact of disability on HE access and success 
  • Understanding how to support disabled students 
  • Where to find more information and resources 

The e-learning has been designed with accessibility in mind. Videos are fully captioned, all text can be read with a screen reader, and an off-white background that enhances readability is used. 

There is a need for greater understanding because the transition rate for disabled students into HE is considerably lower than that of non-disabled peers. The degree attainment rate for disabled students is also lower than that of non-disabled students. It is hoped that by empowering HE staff to better support them, more disabled students will be enabled to succeed in HE.  

Access our Understanding and Supporting Disabled Students e-learning.  

The course was piloted in September 2024 with staff from across our 13 members. It has been updated in response to feedback to make sure it meets the needs of its target learning base.  

Participants will be encouraged to complete a pre- and post-course evaluation form, which will track increases in knowledge and understanding across key learning outcomes. The course will be updated annually in line with these findings, feedback from participants, and relevant sector changes. 

It was developed as an output of our Disabled Students Network, which includes representatives from many of our members.   

The training aligns with other outputs from this Network, including our Disabled Leaners Transition Pack. The resource helps disabled students to easily access information about the timelines, processes, and support available to enable them to progress into a HE destination of their choice.