GHWY to present at Biennial International Conference on Access, Participation and Success

Staff from Go Higher West Yorkshire (GHWY) and two of its member institutions are excited to be presenting at the 7th Biennial International Conference on Access, Participation and Success.
Hosted by the Open University, the Conference will explore practical solutions to improve access, participation and success for students from underrepresented and disadvantaged groups. The online event will be held between 26-27 April.
The programme includes over 40 keynote presentations, interactive workshops, and panel discussions. These are aligned to four key themes: student engagement (including co-creation, representation, and student voice); inclusion (including curriculum, assessment, tuition, and communication); accessibility (including student support, digital inclusion, and service delivery); and student outcomes (including motivation, equity and employability).
John Hague (GHWY Area Manager) and Tahera Mayat (GHWY Collaborative Outreach Officer) will present Supporting Disabled Students Journeys: Transition into Higher Education (HE) on 26 April.
They will discuss GHWY’s recently launched Transition Pack for Disabled Learners. The e-resource raises awareness of how disabled students can access appropriate guidance when progressing from Further Education into Higher Education. They will also present key recommendations to support disabled learners.
Other key presentations from our members include:
- Value, visibility and belonging: exploring the impact of staff/student reverse mentoring within higher education by Steve Gleadall and Associate Prof Rachael O’Connor (University of Leeds), 26 April
- Exploring the experiences of students of minoritised ethnicities through a longitudinal community of enquiry by Prof Samantha Broadhead and Dr Laura da Costa (Leeds Arts University), 27 April
- Sharing insights from reverse mentoring in HE: the power of listening and learning for developing authentic staff/student relationships by Associate Prof Rachael O’Connor (University of Leeds) and Prof John E. Golding, Liz Cain, Adam Westall and Dr Helen Smith (Manchester Metropolitan University), 27 April
Find out more about the Conference and register for the presentations.