Go Higher Strategic Communications Group holds first meeting
October saw the inaugural meeting of the Go Higher Strategic Communications Group, which brings together senior and strategic staff from across the partnership to support and disseminate common messages and themes.
A two-pronged approach has been agreed by the group that will support member activity to reduce inequalities in access to, success in and progression from higher education:
- A proactive approach will see the piloting of two communications campaigns during 2020-21 and will involve working together to create demand for higher education, from those in under-represented groups.
- A reactive approach will provide members with the opportunity to work together as appropriate on aligned comms messaging, which will allow members to collaborate to respond to needs as they arise.
GHWY staff have worked with representatives from the Access and Participation Strategy Group (APSG) and the Go Higher Skills Group (GHSG) to develop two case study briefs – one aimed at supporting progression into higher education for those from under-represented groups (#MeInHE) and one aimed at supporting local SMEs to engage with higher education in a variety of ways. These will be circulated shortly to the Strategic Communications Group, and members of the APSG and GHSG will be asked to support the delivery of case studies for their institution.