Invitation to quote: evaluation opportunities within GHWY

Go Higher West Yorkshire (GHWY) is inviting tenders to evaluate its activity with underrepresented groups in Higher Education (HE).
Suppliers will be expected to analyse HESA and UCAS data in line with our outputs and produce written reports on their findings and recommendations.
We are particularly interested in learning more about:
- learners from underrepresented groups in HE (especially Disabled Learners, Gypsy Roma Travellers, Black Asian and Minoritised Ethnicities, and Males who are in receipt of Free School Meals (FSMs))
- intersectionality within our target learners
- learners who are in receipt of or have previously claimed FSMs
- learners studying a variety of qualifications post-16 including attainment levels
The work will help us to understand how our outreach work is effective, how we can improve our work, contribute to a stronger evidence base, translate our findings into practice, and inform our strategy. These outputs will be communicated to a wide range of stakeholders and our funders.
The project must be delivered by Monday, 21 August 2023.
Further information and submission
Click here for further information, including the scope of the project, pricing, full timescales, and evaluation criteria.
Interested parties should send a written quote to Amy Wilson at by Friday, 26 May 2023 at 5pm. Quotes should include:
- An outline of the supplier’s proposed approach to the project, including methodologies and theoretical influences (if applicable)
- A full cost breakdown
Any questions should also be directed to Amy Wilson.