Leeds City College signs skills agreement with Leeds Playhouse
Students at Leeds City College will benefit from training initiatives and work experience as a result of a newly signed agreement with Leeds Playhouse.
The two organisations will work closely together to help underpin the skills offering in the Cultural Quarter, which will be home to the College’s new £60m School of Creative Arts.
They have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that sets out the principles of working together. This includes technicians from the Playhouse delivering masterclasses to students. The College’s new 200 seat theatre will also be fitted with similar lighting, audio and technical equipment to the Playhouse to promote cross-working practices and training opportunities.
In addition, the School of Social Science – which is due to relocate to Quarry Hill – will work closely with the Playhouse to allow its students to learn workplace skills for courses such as childcare and public services.
Richard Lee, Head of Media & Performance at Leeds City College, said: “We’ve worked closely with Leeds Playhouse, and over recent months, we’ve discovered huge opportunities for collaborative working and mutually beneficial projects – not just in the creative arts, but also in social sciences.”