OfS highlights strength of GHWY’s working model

The strength of Go Higher West Yorkshire’s working model is highlighted in the Office for Students’ ninth coronavirus briefing note on outreach activities.
The higher education regulator has released a series of briefing notes over the past few months to help the sector respond to Covid-19. The latest one looks at how universities, colleges and their partners are responding to the challenges of delivering activities that provide advice and information about and experience of higher education during the pandemic.
It includes a case study about GHWY’s school-based approach to supporting vulnerable pupils as part of the Uni Connect programme, which offers impartial advice and guidance on university and college. Progression Officers, who are based in target schools and colleges, have been able to use school communication and home learning systems to offer outreach and support to learners.
They have been involved in pastoral care and facilitating an individually tailored package of support, such as enhanced careers guidance and specialist tutoring. This has included working with vulnerable learners who are physically attending school during the lockdown.
It has been necessary for colleges and universities to adapt their outreach activities, which are usually delivered face-to-face, during lockdown. GHWY has been expanding its online resources for students, educational staff and parents/carers in response to the situation. These can be accessed here.