Registration open for GHWY’s collaborative teachers’ and advisers’ conference

Registration is now open for Go Higher West Yorkshire’s (GHWY) collaborative conference for teachers and advisers.
The free conference is aimed at those who work with young people, including teachers, advisers, youth workers and local authority staff. It will provide impartial information on Higher Education (HE) pathways and the support available from our 13 HE providers, which span HE-in-Further Education, universities, and a small specialist provider. The full programme will be announced soon.
It will be held on Wednesday, 1 May 2024 at 9.30am to 3.30pm at the University of Huddersfield. Lunch will be provided.
The conference will feature a mix of sessions to enable attendees to get the most out of the day. This will include a keynote speaker, breakout sessions, student panel, marketplace, and time for networking. The broad themes will cover access to HE and progression from HE. Where possible, GHWY will draw on the expertise and knowledge of its members.
The event will also promote the collaborative work that GHWY and its members undertake in West Yorkshire, with resources being available that relate to its work with under-represented groups (including disabled learners and estranged students). It is hoped that by attending the conference, delegates will understand the complexity and wide range of HE options available to learners across the region.
The conference will be underpinned by evaluation. A Theory of Change has been developed that brings together various related aspect of context, outcomes, mechanisms, and evaluation. It will be evaluated through a pre- and post-evaluation survey. This has been created with input from GHWY’s Data Evaluation and Impact team with feedback from its members. Findings will help to inform the planning of any future teacher and adviser conferences.
The conference emerged from discussions in GHWY’s Access and Participation Strategy Group, which brings together member representatives from its 13 HE providers to discuss access and participation for under-represented groups.