Labour market
What is LMI?
Labour market information (LMI) is information about the current economic and employment situation, and is relevant when you are looking into career and employment options. LMI includes data on graduate destinations, average-starting salaries, current trends in employment sectors and recruitment patterns.
The Leeds Enterprise Partnership (LEP) can provide information about this, and help you to feel inspired and informed about careers in your local area.
How do I research careers information?
When you start looking at your career options, you will need to do some research on different employment sectors and types of work. You can use the information you find to help you identify:
- Skills, qualifications and experience required within a sector
- Entry routes into the sector and typical career paths
- Who employs in your area and where jobs are advertised
How do I use Labour Market Information?
Labour market information includes reports, studies, statistics and other information about:
- Industry/ sector growth and decline
- Occupational information
- Employment rates
- Supply and demand of labour
- Future labour trends
- Wages and pay scales
You can use this information to help you:
- Identify skills that are in demand
- Check out trends in a sector
- Identify sectors where there is growth and the possibility of jobs.
Many employers comment on candidates’ lack of knowledge about the sector or industry to which they are applying. As well as researching the job and the individual company, make sure you know what issues the sector is facing, who are the main organisations in the sector and what the future might hold for it.
Where can I find labour market information?
It is important to find the most relevant and reliable information when researching careers information and LMI.
Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP) are locally owned partnerships between local authorities and businesses. They play a central role in determining local economic priorities and undertaking activities to drive economic growth and the creation of local jobs. The Leeds Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has a Future Goals website that can help you to feel inspired and informed about careers in your local area.
Which sectors are recruiting in my area?
The FutureGoals Programme is delivered by Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and provides inspiration and support to help people of all ages choose their career paths, give them the right skills and experience to start work or change career and provide vital links between education and employers.
Their aim is to address current and future skills shortages in the manufacturing and engineering, construction, digital, health and creative industries.
Leeds City Region is at the heart of the United Kingdom and is the largest economy outside of London, so it’s a great place to start your career with lots of opportunities for work, education and training.
Evaluating information
As with any information, do not automatically accept everything you read. Some information, particularly web-based, can easily be produced and could just be expressing someone’s personal opinion, rather than being based on accurate information and facts.
You should try to confirm its:
- Accuracy
- Relevancy
- Reliability
- Currency
- Authenticity
Careers Comparison Tool
Careerometer is a useful tool which enables you to compare working hours and average wages of job roles in the UK that you’re interested in pursuing.
You can find information on a variety of careers from engineering to public services, hair and beauty, marketing plus much more!
Useful links
Institute for Employment Studies (IES)
IES is an independent, apolitical, international centre of research and consultancy in employment policy and human resource issues.
Labour market overview, UK - Office for National Statistics
Estimates of employment, unemployment, economic inactivity and other employment-related statistics for the UK.
Prospects Luminate brings you data and insights into the graduate labour market. Inform your recruitment campaigns and get the inside track on student and graduate behaviour with analysis from across the HE sector.
UKCES local labour market intelligence (LMI) - GOV.UK
Employment and skills data from core UKCES products at a local level.
What do graduates do and earn?
Have a look at what you can do and earn after graduation.
Where in the UK are you most likely to get a graduate job? | TARGETjobs
London is the country’s biggest hotspot for graduate recruitment, as you might expect, and offers 47% of all vacancies available from employers belonging to the Insitute of Student Employers (ISE), according to a survey published in September 2019. ISE members are typically large, multinational companies that recruit large numbers of graduates, and it's important to bear in