Disability and wellbeing support
Disabled Learners Transition Pack
Welcome to Go Higher West Yorkshire's Disabled Learners' Higher Education Transition Pack! This resource has been designed to support you on your own journey into Higher Education (HE). Making decisions about your future has never been easy and there is lots of information out there which can be overwhelming. We hope that this transition pack will help you to easily access information about the timelines, processes and support to enable you to progress into a destination of your choice. We understand that starting HE is a big step, one that often begins a long time before you finally arrive there. For many students who have received support or adjustments at school or college the transition to university can be confusing and hard to navigate, not least because the language and terminology used about Special Educational Needs (SEN), disability and support is very different. This can prevent some students from accessing the support they need.
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Disabled Learners Transition Pack [PDF]
pdf (3.46 MB)
Disabled Learners Transition Pack [Accessible Word Version]
docx (61.51 KB)