Understanding our graduate labour market data
Over the last couple of months, members have been engaging in Labour Market Intelligence workshops hosted by Yorkshire Universities. In these workshops the West Yorkshire Combined Authority has shared its 2021 Labour Market Report and Charlie Ball, Head of Higher Education Intelligence at JISC, has shared West Yorkshire and broader Yorkshire labour market intelligence encompassing 2017/2018 Graduate Outcome data.
The data highlights the high percentage of regionally based graduates starting their careers with large employers despite a high concentration of SMEs within West Yorkshire and across the North. Insight from these workshops will be used by the Go Higher Skills Group to inform employer resources developed to help employers (particularly SMEs) to understand the different ways to engage with HE, and to promote the benefits of apprenticeship and graduate recruitment.
For further information or access to the workshop slides please contact Clare Jackson, GHWY’s Higher Level Skills Manager, email: c.jackson2@leeds.ac.uk