Session 1: Go Connect

This first session helps learners make connections between their knowledge and think creatively. Additionally, learners will need to justify the connections they make. This will help them organise and use their knowledge more effectively.  Being able to connect pieces of knowledge and for learners to be able to justify why they have made these connections is vital for success in all areas of life, both in and out of school. In the next session, Go Analyse, learners will use the skills developed in this session as a basis to start thinking critically about information.

This session can be delivered in approximately 1 hour.

Downloadable Resources

All Years - Wild Card Images

pdf (365.89 KB)


Year 8 - Session 1: Go Connect Lesson Plan

pptx (7.11 MB)


Year 8 - Card Sort Images

pdf (318.38 KB)


Year 9 - Session 1: Go Connect Lesson Plan

pptx (7.11 MB)


Year 9 - Card Sort Images

pdf (372.49 KB)


Year 10 - Session 1: Go Connect Lesson Plan

pptx (7.11 MB)


Year 10 - Card Sort Images

pdf (532.02 KB)
