Males on Free School Meals

Males on Free School Meals

One of the key priorities of the Uni Connect programme is to deliver evidence-based collaborative activity for groups at risk of equality of opportunity in Higher Education in Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 in local state secondary schools. The aim of the underrepresented group outreach programme focussed on Males on Free School Meals is to make informed choices about their future educational pathways based on a tailored programme of activity.

Speak Up, Your Voice Matters

GHWY’s Uni Connect sustained outreach programme for Males on Free School Meals

Go Higher West Yorkshire (GHWY), working in collaboration with our Higher Education Providers and stakeholders, taking in to account sector wide evidence, devised a 3 session programme.

This sustained programme is aimed at KS3, 4 and 5 and focuses on working with learners to articulate their personal values,​understand others’ influences on their decision making, identifying their own skills and strengths and develop a sense of belonging in HE through creative activity, building trust and working with role models.

The programme is delivered by our trained Outreach Officers based in our Higher Education Providers. Please note – we are only able to offer the structured programme delivered by Outreach Officers with select target schools. The sessions, featured below, are designed so they can be delivered independently by school staff. They can be delivered as stand alone sessions or part of a programme and are free to use.

If you would like to know more about these sessions, please contact us.