Key Stage 3-4: Males on Free School Meals resources

  • Key Stage 3-4: Males on Free School Meals resources

    The "Speak Up, Your Voice Matters" resources guide facilitators through three interactive sessions that combine self-expression, exploration of educational pathways, and future planning.

    • Session 1 introduces students to the programme, fostering self-awareness and creativity while providing an overview of post-16 and post-18 educational options through engaging activities like photo projects and discussions.
    • Session 2 focuses on deepening understanding of apprenticeship pathways and encouraging students to reflect on their identities by creating "Current Self" wordclouds.
    • Session 3 helps students envision their futures with insights into T Levels and other pathways, culminating in the creation of "Future Self" wordclouds to capture their aspirations.
    The resources provide a step-by-step guide for facilitators, complete with slides, icebreaker activities, surveys, and structured discussions, ensuring an engaging and educational experience for all participants.

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